Dashboard - Profit & Loss Statement

The idea of the dashboard – reports  is to show you all standard financial reports in one place.

Currrently the menu shows a combined profit and loss and a cash flow statement.

Key Metrics show you

  • The # of total customers at the end of the selected time period
  • The revenues at the end of the selected time period
  • Time-to-break-even which is the point in time when EBITDA turns positive for the first time
  • The Max Cash Reuirementd during the selected time period
  • Time-to-get-investment back which is the point in time when cumulative cash-flow turns positive

The chart shows you Revenues, EBITDA and cumulated cash-flow

The P&L reports combines all data in one place –

  • Revenenues, CogS CaC,
  • operating expenses for headcount compensation and
  • headcount related cost from Headcount teams
  • operating expense from Expense Groups as well as
  • depreciation and cash- flow.

You can drill down into each total and see the data by revenue stream.

At the same time, the P&L reports serves as simulation dashboard – you can select which revenues streams, teams and expense groups you want to include in your report.

Please check out the additional links in the Getting Started Box which provide more help through our help portal.
