Pitch Menu (optional)
Lean-Case allows you to enable the additional menu Pitch if you want to pitch your business plan in more detail for users with which you share your Lean-Case Project. A Pitch is structured by Pages. We suggest a proven structure for your Pitch with the pages on Cover Information, Proposition, Market Size, Progress, Unique Insights, Business Model, Team and Ask applied by 500 Startups.
View the Pitch
If a user selects the Pitch Menu, she can
Edit the Pitch
Before users can read your Pitch, you must
To edit your Pitch, select Project Menu > Pitch

The Pitch Module opens.
You can work in 2 modes which offer different toolbars.
If you are in View Mode, click Edit to switch to Edit Mode.

If you are in Edit Mode, click Preview to return to View Mode.

In both modes - via the toolbar - you can at any time
As described above, the Pitch is structured in pages. If you want to adapt this structure, switch
Add, remove and sort Pages
Via the toolbar, you can
Add, delete and move Page Elements
Each Page is made up of different elements which you can change via the Page Edit Toolbar.

To edit the elements of a page, select the page in the Page Menu. Via the toolbar, you can
On the Cover Page, you can edit all standard elements
On any other page, you can edit and add the following Page Elements