While Lean-Case enables you to set forward-looking projections, Lean-Board allows you to measure the projections against the actual result and set, manage and track your business objectives - even by connecting to 3rd party systems
Lean-Board strategically combines 2 components
There is a huge opportunity if you measure the actuals and progress. Where you are today versus where you set the projection. You want to understand if there are any huge gaps.
Lean-Board allows you to

Setting up Lean-Board
To get you started easily, Lean-Board provides a few standard Categories for Goals and Objectives out of the box which you can use, extend or change such as
You can manage these categories via the button <Manage Categories> in the upper right corner. Setting up your Lean-Board, you can

After closing the Category Panel, you can select which categories you want to view.

In addition, you can customize your categories by

Track Goals (KPI Dashboard)
Goals are numbers that define what success looks like. These Goals are usually financial and/or operational and make the Objectives visible in measurable terms. Goals should be more strategic in nature, defining the financial health and guiding the direction for the strategic choices.
On a monthly basic, you can
In reviewing your KPI goals, you can edit

Track Objectives (Planning Dashboard)
Objectives set the direction for the organization. They describe the ambition of the business and answer the question: What are we trying to achieve? They should define the playing field and the rules for winning. Over time, Objectives are a constant and meaningful reminder about what success looks like in the future and to focus the organization.
Objectives in Lean-Board can be created on a quarterly basis. You should first
Within a category you can, add new objectives and manage them by editing

If you select a new quarter for reporting, you have the opportunity to Copy Objectives from the previous quarter

You can then adjust your objectives for the new quarter by

View Objectives
The submenu View Objectives is read-only and allows you how your Business Objectives developped from quarter-to-quarter.