Finding Help

There are several ways to find help within the Lean-Case Workspace

  • Welcome Videos after you got started
  • a Getting Started Box with short explanations, a video and help links available for most pages
  • a Help Menu in the Top Bar
  • a Beginner Mode allowing you you to set up your Lean-Case in amuch easier way
  • Help Icons - providing context-sensitive access to benchmarks, help pages and explainer videos
  • .. and direct access to us.

Welcome Videos

In each of the 3 main areas in Lean-Case (Project, My Projects Space and Customer Area), we provide a Welcome Video which is also accessible via the Video Icon in the Top Bar. 

Getting Started Box

In every Sub-Menu in Lean-Case, you find a Getting Started Box with useful information to get started. This includes 

  • a short explanation what you can do in this submenu
  • a video explaining the functionality within this submenu and
  • links which take you to our help center

You can hide the Getting Started Box – and at any time, you can show it again by going to our help menu and select the option Show Getting Started.

Help Menu

This brings us to our help menu

  • you can directly launch the video featured in the Getting Started Box
  • get direct help for this page from our help center
  • launch the help center and
  • - if you work with one of the Lean-Case Templates – launch the Tutorials which give you step by step guidance for each of the Templates

Beginner Mode

Before you create your first Lean-Case Widget, you can activate Beginner Mode. If the Beginner Mode is activated and you add, e.g. a new revenue stream or a cost item, Lean-Case guides you through a list of questions and explanations to enter your assumptions instead of loading the widget template directly.

Help Icons

In every widget, you find 3 different icons

  • an info icon – which takes you to context sensitive help
  • a benchmark icon – which takes you to relevant benchmarks in context of your work and
  • a video icon – which provides you further details.

When getting stuck

The last thing – when you get stuck – we are here to help. We can answer questions via or you can schedule a web call with us at  Besides answering your questions, we can guide you building, validating and tuning your case in workshops.
