Scenarios - Sharing - Export

Now, you have created your Lean-Case project and you are ready to share your results with others or export results. Let's understand the magic behind the Actions Menus which you find in the Sub-Menu Bar and which allows you to do all that.

Create Project Scenarios

Before you share results, you might want to save scenarios. With a growth investor you might want to share a growth case, while you might want to share the results of a more conservative case with a bank.  

With Lean-Case, you can run as many Business Plan Scenarios as you wish – seeing how realistic changes in different variables changes the final figures. The name of the scenario which is currently loaded appears in the upper right corner of the top bar menu.

  •  The menu option Action > Save new Scenario allows to save a new scenario with a name and a description.
  • The menu option Action > Switch Scenario allows to show all existing scenarios and switch to another 

Share Project Scenarios 

Once you feel that you are have created the right scenarios for your Lean-Case project - you can share them to get feedback. As the owner of a Lean-Case project, you can share your Lean-Case Project at any point in time. You can decide:

  •  which project scenarios you want to share 
  • if the invited person becomes an Editor or a Viewer and
  • if the invited user can also share your projects with other viewers  

Note that only the Project Owner can invite other editors and delete the project to stay in control. The Owner can also revoke editing and viewing rights at any point in time.

If you share your LC project with someone else, this user will be taken right away to the dashboard to share all results.

Exporting Data and Models

Lean-Case also provides exporting functionality for all data calculated in Lean-Case. 

  • You can export the charts, or the data from each chart - allowing you to create the charts in Excel or Powerpoint. 
  • from any Dashboard or Check, you can export data in monthly, quarterly, yearly format and select to download all details or only the “totals” data.

Even though Lean-Case is a far superior way to create business plans and scenarios - there are still stakeholders that require your business plan in Excel. You may need to submit a spreadsheet for a bank loan, or send to VCs for funding consideration.

And if you are a consultant, you can amaze your clients with the most comprehensive business plan in Excel they have ever seen.

Lean-Case allows you to download the full model - so you'll have a fully editable Excel sheet of your entire business plan. Upon opening the Excel model, you have to enable. 

You have now seen the most relevant parts of Lean-Case. We are working on many more modules - coming soon are an Assumptions View which allows you to show all assumptions on 1 page, features to start scenario analysis and the Lean-Board module to track business objectives and goals on a monthly basis.


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