Individual Job
To add an Individual Job or Position to a Team, select the tab <Individual Jobs> in a Headcount Team Widget and click the button <+ Add Job>
Enter the following parameters

Jobs are typically individual Jobs like a CTO, a VP Product, an assistant.
You are adding an individual job. What is the job’s title?
Add the job's title or role, e.g. CEO, VP Marketing, Lead Engineer
In which function does this person work?
Pick a function from the dropdown
When does this job start?
Select the month when this job starts
When does this job end?
Select the month when this job ends
Compensation (Job)
Is this job for an Employee or for a Contractor?
Select if this is an Employee or Contractor Role. The standard Benefits & Taxes rate of 20% will be applied to calculate the compensation for employees but not for contractors.
Is this a fulltime job?
If this is a fulltime job, enter 100%. If it is a half-time job, enter 50%, ..
How much do you pay as a monthly base salary for a fulltime job?
Enter the monthly base salary for a fulltime job. If this is a fulltime job (100%) with an annual base salary of 24.000, then enter a monthly salary of 2,000. If this is a half-time job (50%), then enter 1.000.
How much do you pay as a monthly variable salary for a fulltime job?
Enter the monthly variable salary for a fulltime job. If this is a fulltime job (100%) with an annual variable salary of 12.000, then enter a monthly salary of 1,000. If this is a half-time job (50%), then enter 500.
Do you want to include annual raises?
To build in an annual raise, enter the annual percentage increase here.