Step 4: Invest Required -
Add Investments and Funding

To answer the question "What is the maximum funding requirement?", you must add

  • Funding - e.g. Loans or Equity contributions and
  • Investments - e.g. buying machines or other equipment which get depreciated
Lean-Case Question 4Lean-Case Question 4

The Capital Menu is the Lean-Case concept to add and manage different asset related metrics. 

Create the capital assumption for your Lean-Case Project by adding Capital Groups. To add a new Group, click on <+ Add Capital>. Give your capital group a name and select the capital category, e.g. Funding or CapEx.  

You can enter two different types of capital or assets:

  • Funding: You can add funding in terms of loans for which interest must be paid and which must be repaid, own contributions or equity injections in form of common or preferred stock
  • CapEx:  You can also add CAPEX investments by entering the CapEx Amount, the Time of investment and the time of depreciation in months